
时间:2023-04-14 13:37:13



英文版求职信 篇1

Dear Sir/Madam:


I am a student of preschool education major of XX teachers college. I am about to graduate. Thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter of application.

University for four years, in the teacher's strict guidance and personal efforts, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, master of system of the relevant theory of the psychology of children, the preschool education management, the scientific education of pre school children "," ……此处隐藏758个字…… opportunity in the field of import and export trading. Knowing something of the scope and enterprise of your huge export department, I thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening.

I am strong and alert, and shall be twenty years of age in July next year. At present I am a student in the college of _____ but I shall graduate from the college this coming July, finishing the requirements in three years. I have had no business experience, but my college record has been good. A copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference. Dr. B.Chao, President of the college of _____ will be glad to tell you more about my character and ability, I shall be glad to call at any time for an interview.

Very truly yours,

